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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  July 5, 2020 3:00am-4:01am PDT

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supposed to be imaginary. manufactured for the child living in each of other. there is evil out there, sadly, sometimes the horror of halloween is the real thing. >> that is all for this edig of dateline. thank you for watching. first up on msnbc, celebrating during a pandemic. trump, doubling down on divisive talk and mentioning covid. declaring a lot of progress. saying the cases are harmless. >> hospitals, near capacity. the question now, will beachings, barbecues and
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fireworks turn out to be super spreaders. >> thousands spill into the streets of the uk, they have the first night out in months. ignoring social distancing. >> that is quite a split there. >> a lot of good images. >> it is sunday, july 5th. >> we are haech you are with us on this sunday morning. the latest on the coronavirus pandemic. infeces on the rise. two hot spots, texas and florida, setting cases for new cases. florida, 11,500 new cases. texas, more than 8,000. meantime, hospitals are struggling to keep up. in arizona, a record number of new patients hospitalized. yesterday, 3,000 icus in arizona, at none% capacity. >> several beaches are closed for the july fourth weekend.
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myrtle beach yesterday. it doesn't look too closed. a lot of crowds, hitting the sand. despite the area being a coronavirus hot spot. this comes as south carolina reported a record number of new infections and hospitalizations. >> shocking numbers on a global scale. the world health organization is reporting a record rise, 12,000 new infections in 24 hours, the largest jumps from the united states, brazil and india. there are 11.2 million confirmed cases world wide. >> president trump, doubling double on a divisive message. as he celebrated the holiday at the white house. >> more, the president, continuing a line of attack, we have seen from the speech at
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mount rush more. >> you are right about that. most presidents would promote a message of national unity. president trump lashed out at protesters. calling out for removal of monuments on public land. the president calls it an attack on the country's heritage. even though, efforts toef amplify cultural wars, it has been a central part of president trump's public image for decades. his political rise was fuelled by him promoting -- all of that is pronounced, coming against this background of a national reckoning on racial issues.
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here is the president, part of what he had to say on the south lawn at the white house. >> we are now in the process of defeating the radical left. the marxists, the anarchists, the agitator, the looters, people who in many instances, have no clue what they are doing. that is why we pay tribute to generations of american heroes, whose names have etched on our monuments and memorials, in the pages of history. >> reporter: so, it is no coincidence, day after day, the president is using the same miami. how he intends to reenergized his election bid. joe biden.
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he touted his handle of the coronavirus, that is coming at administration officials tell us, the white house plans to shift the message, they are going to shift to acceptance, that we have to live with the pandemic. it will likely be here through the november election. >> jeff, thank you. >> that message, more on that message, it is here, we have to live with it. live and let die, i guess?ip)6ñk >> sayxd it again. >> someone was talking to me. it sounds weird. isáiá basically, the coronavirs is here, wexd have had 130,000 people dead from t are we supposed to live and letçó die
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with it or what? >> >> reporter: one way to explain it, acknowledgment. he gave an interview to fox same. after months of muddled messa'#1ñ putting out the message that the country. the notion we have to live with it, that is countered by what is pubse1 in the uk, they are reopdling. european countries flattened the curve, d@ t with the issue, largely because they didn't have the pach work approach to the virus that we have had here in the states. >> 130,000 dead in this country so far.
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you tell them to live with it. >> it is a policy. >> thank you. with most fourth of july fireworks displays cancelled, the number of coronavirus cases that a>ñ exploding. the fears that could fuel a greater surge. a look at miami, what could be a make or break weekend. >> goodqi] morning.nb florida reported 11,400 cases of covid is in one day. the biggest total i]observed anywhere in the country since new yorko%7 in april. serious red ó[flags. >> largely stripped of large %9 is like a ghost town.e1
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11,400 case, leading the nation. >> this has to be brought under control. >> miami-dade's largest eth health careñi provider, suspendg me surgery. >> is this ac make or break for getting coronav' control? >> people want to go out, socialize, want to get together. >> with the country ellipsing 50,000 a day. >> beaches remainçó open to -- >> we are taking ñicprecautionse are being t(smart. ñ
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caution. >> take itw3q back to your pareó grandparents, siblings, it coulq be serious for them. >> the situation,q escalating. texas, 8,200 cases. largely wentw3w3 on asçó in beaches close across the entire state. the bay areu copes withe1 april. the health care system is
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overwhelm ourxde1 hospitals. >> reporter: a new normal, as america tries to free itself from a new xdtyrant, thexd viru. similar state, who closed downç system. an alarming new rise in em. cases in texas.q texas, reporting the highest number of coronavirus cases. this comesxd as humidities acro tue state arew3 strugglingçó to handle the influx offá patients. many reachedqq capacity. a hot spot within ajffá shotq -
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>> they are concern for where the numbers are going. yesterday, çólp8,j71ñc theñiçów. to give you perspective. it took dallas, 114 days to get shechbdxd cases. they have tripled that number, over theqq rise isxd rapid here. they are running out of space i in the rieeñi rand the7#suáhern tip of texas.
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they said,t( until father notic. wet( are outside ofok they will leave it to individualn%"xd pa to bei okopened, a beautiful si inó[ downtown dallas. they opened last weekend, withçó masks. they don't expected to see. street. first where miket(çó pence spok requiring masks. it shows the difference in philosophies, across the t(stat. the governor mandated masks, duringe1xde1 the week lastçó we.
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it isñr tough and go. >> the governor ñisaying, in churchs and polling locations, it is interesting to see if they change it as the numbers rise. >>xd durings us now, is rob davidson, ae1 physician in michigan, he is the executive ok medicare. you hadxdçó another -- >> once the sun gets okhere, it will burn away. >> the president was hoping for that as wee1 want to see people qui9qm, this is out of
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control. thelpw3 white house telling us live with. the president wearing a maskqi] model that ñrbehavior.çóñi >> what is that crucial tipping point, how crucial, if the president mandated that for he"ent celebrations on july çó fourth? >> we have studies, wherelpokfá had the xdviris, when they wore masks, there is a6zçó 79 imagi we have thousands of people as simple as wearing aople mask, we have to be doing.
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huge ñicrowds.çów3ñi some of the e1xciso-called supe spread seeing am results. >> younger people, we proenl have people in new york ruchbing around with the virus. four weeks, six weeks, weñi wil see the abyss maleffects of the >> live with it. we are looking at live pictures of myrtle beach. how as a physician there on theó
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should we go to the beach, stay indoors, what should we qdo? it is still out there. >> itñr is out there. people should be going outside, enjoying theirok families in cle >> i go running everyq other da, i live ine1 a rural area, if i can't be six feet away, i getlpr it, sanitize, myçó hands and mo on. i wish people would follow that knowing thatok this president h that are alreadvi ñit(dead. we have to get a handle on the
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spread. >> the massive uptick, from global cases, the u.s., brazil and india, being the beingest supporters, what is your reaction? your first thought?ñi >> it is crazy, 200,0è tested positive, half of those are from #eu$e leaders with similar approaches tookt(z3o it. theyñr are not wearingxdñi maskp theyñi call it a fáflu. message from the white house. >>c i think we will be wofrs of to the election. the rhetoriclp will be amped up.
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continue to claim it is someone else's fault. weñr will beq the same or doing significantly worse based on thp events that lpunfold. >>çãin tamichigan, theyw3 are s more cases.e1 a feel good message with shade to the administrationlp as well. >> from south carolina,q jf greenville, specifically, police are tellingw3 us at least 12 people were in a shooting inside a nightclub. justok beforeok 2:00 a.m. investigators are on theok scen. the sheriff said there are noe1 suspects at this point our station is on the ñiscene. we will bring you updates.
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time isok running out, election experts say, expanding by mailx
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couldt( require, people should t have to chose between their health and participating in democracy. of unrest atxd july 4xdthñijf demonstrations.lpok let him breathe! >> police in sarasotañi slammina [oman to the ground. arrests. protestersçó carried an upside fo
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distress. white and 'cblue. >> protesters burned the flag, as many were demonstrating holiday. since all americans were not declared independence. >> a small group of demonstrators there. and in pittsburgh,e1 pennsylvaná black lives matter protesters supporters, they showed up at theçó site of a trump e1rally. they later escorted trump supporters from the pier. >> former pressçófáe1 secretary1
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house. >> somelp may see thew3 images unpatriotic. you g.y your take on all of that. there are people still out there, in the street,çó protestg police brutality. and the injustice handed down to black americans, and the country. ixd know that some people will e the images and e1disagree. when you understand the history of this country, and the history of black people, you should bee t whvv they are angry, and why they are out in c8t çóstreet. the fact that you have trump supporters coming out on the boat and try to counter the argument that black lives xd matter, ó[xdshows, what the tr administration stands for.
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black, i was among them. doing rereadings of the 1852 douglas speech. what do you getñi the sense tha this holiday. >> one of theçó good things we e sees happening in the country right now. americans are startingok to get real history lesson. not the one we were taught in public school, the real history of this country. that is one positive.@@@@@@ñ when you listen to the speech, hee1 talks about, a storm, if y will, when it comes to this. he talked aboutt( rising the
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conscious and the country.e9 country that you pledgedxd allegiance, has n pledged allegiance to you. back --xd black people were givg birth toçó slavexdok master chi. people would not feel the need to celebrate theñi independencef white america. >> çócolin e1kaepernick.
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>> now, two days ago, theu president was at mount rushmore, they stay can'tw3 ge their lan back, even after a ruling in theirokxd favor,çóçó the land wo to them. 2020. is 2020 thexd yearçó we do it? >> ie1 would like toçóc say, th are more of us, than there are of them. the moreok of us that come together and fight against racism, and white supremacy in asian americans, upon blacke1 xd
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americans, anybody who experienced racism in this country, it is jftime, like içóó said, more of us than there are of them. >> you probably saw what he put out. >> and the voice and sing in the opening weekok jfgames, your tan the gestures? >> i agree with colin, i think that what we are seeing withe1 black nationalathem. give me a break.fá that is not going to change anything in this country ok
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whatsoever.w3 national anthem, they shoumf not have had a problem with colin kneeling to protest police brutality and racism. now you want to play the black national anthem. give me a break. i am am sick and tired of the e1 nfl. the cookie cutter statements, (u is your exec( look like?çóe1 what does yo+#ñ leadershipship look ñilike? you are doing nothing to change the diversity ofi] your company. i don'tq care if they play it o >> i wasñi correctedxd bye-bye l second verse.5a >> theok administration with
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covid, that said, live with it. from a personal standpoint, your dad has been dealing with the coronavirus for months. for people dealing with this, and you hear thist( newjf polic give meave sense of whatñr they sort of policy, hq7÷ itfát/rás ?árñ i thinklp that it is e insensitive to families like mine and myçó father. my father is 56. he has been in a chicago hospital since april 26th. today is july 5th, hee1 sufferep partially collapsede1 lung. lost 26q points, he isi] on a m thate1q oxygenates his blood. my mother is a doctor. if you are a famil>'y member, td to deal with it, it is extremely
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insensitive. in 2020 of this year, part of the reason i will vote against donald trump.q it is not that i am voting for joe biden, butt( against presidt trump. how his administration handled the coronavirus, how his basefá lacks çóempathy forjf anybody t doesn't look like them. they don'tnú have tot( rew3lat. pushing me over the edge with donald trump. if you are thinking you will spend two weeks in yourq room iceed. again. myçóó[ you can't see them. they are doing zoom phone calls
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with my father who can't even speakok right now. >> who was a healthy r 56-year-old. >> he was. >> our thoughts are with your dad. >> remind everyone, recently as july 1, the president used the word disappear, when talking about covid-19. we will talkxd more about the white house strategy. whe÷r it is a benefit to the country ore1 thee1>dpresident? >>. thatxd the day after pubs reope. >> they cant( take it. while you mayxú(till hear fireworks going off in your xdt( neighborhood. the real deal went off as it was supposed to lastfáxdñr night.xd
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macy's spent millions on this while closing añi lot oft( stor. keep that in wnkmind.
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>> go to london, overnight, thousands crowded into pubs, and spilled spot streets, after lockdown restrictionse1 eased yesterday. >> many, sara is live for us in london. >> the britsçó know how to hand their alcohol. i can't imagine that today is a rough day for themok at all. >> it is a beautiful sunday
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you have toe1 imagine that a fe brits are still in their beds, after the what we saw last night. 103 dayst( since the pubs shut. trust me, a lot of people were counting. they reopened doors, with some changes, with social distancing guidelines of a lot of clubs, doing temperature checks at the door. trying to keep drunk people apart and convince them to social distance, it is like herding cats, we saw disturbing scenesvp in some neighborhoods, people poured into &4nb street ignoring social5?1 t(distancing. papers are calling it queasy like sunday morning, and boozing for britain. just like the u.s., isfá a nati
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in the midst of a pandemic. 44,000 died of covid-related causes, that is third in the world after the u.s. ande1 braz. it is a jolly goode1fá time in pub, itfá is a seriousw3 concer ñ?aaitaking of alcohol?ce these are a hundred, two hundreá 300 years old.ñic cf1 o small spaces, they don't lend themselves well to social %9- works if they stay apart. that is not what we are seeing so far.e1çói]xde1i]
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>> i assume they started out and then theire1q judgment -- >> president trump has taken a step back to the sidelines, now, a senior administrationçó officl said that president's lower profile isñi by design. >> by keeping trump away from the day-to-day,okq thet( administration can depoliticize the w3virus response. >> a political correspondent, just last night, in his fourth! said that 99% of covid cases were harmless. 99%. that we would likely have5a a vaccine solution longbujtjut the
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end of the year. is keeping him on the sidelines isxd working for the!u administration, when he is still talking like that? >> yes, it isi] interesting. just taking a step back. house to acknowledge that head of the country, the face of the u.s.xd pandemic response is too radioactive to take center stage, givingxd the public an accurate description ofe1 what going on, and presentingxd a message of unity. given how he has handled it,e1 is not surprising for his aides to go this path. he has ignored dozens of warnings from top administration officialsxd about the impendingç he claimed it is no more dangerous than the flu. refused to enforce any cdc
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guidelines, about socialçó distancing and testing makes the u.s. looks bad. i could go on, the list is long in terms of this president's public blunders, whenxd it come to handling thise1 crisis. it is not surprising that his aides would take this path. like you mentioned, it is questionable, whetherxd the president would be able to stick that hasn't been his mo so e1fa. >> and a seniorñr administratio official said trump will probably give aiiipw briefing n week, no daily briefings. mike pence is on the road, doing meetings with governors. how starkq of a !ucontrast.
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we know president trump hasxd bn response. >> past presidentsu center stage. made themselves the bas.á of th u.s.'s response tofá any kinde1 crisis. a public health issue, whether it wyst a political issue or anything like that ite1 is certainly a!u huge contrast, w to see this president in the middle of this pandemic,e1 goin1 on for months, in an election q year, to see him, an÷( toe1 q[ts campaign advisorsq consciously make the choice,xd that he is n equipped. he doesn't have the mindset and demeanor to be able to lead the country atxd this time. it is still a feww3 months befo the elec, i think we tns& see
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this have a negativee1 impact.ep joe biden. >> ase1 leaders in other countrs took the steps to get the virus under t(control. donald trump failed us. it seems like our warçó time penalty surrendered. waeved the white flag and left the battle field. we are facing a seriouse1 threa. we have to meete1 it as one direction. >> youlp know, president trump could not have made it any easier fore1 thm3 formere1 vice president if he tried. a number ofq polls, trump isxd badly trailing former vice presidentó[ biden.
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9%, as wellp, in key battle grd states. pennsylvania, arizona, florida, and north carolina. so, it only makes sense foryv ro former vice president biden, to not just attack president trump's handling, but the picture painted. when he said, it could be,p, w it goes away, wexd will have ma 60,000 cases in this country. now, 75,000 daily.e1xde1q in the supreme court rulings that could rock the white house. s delivered fast so you can get
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week. the supreme couj(6 >> the landmark decision will determine if they cane1 subpoen his financial papers including his tax returns. >> walk us through this. what are the argumemuj here? >> these are two major cases thath=e very different at the core, on the onee1 hand,ñ@uhe c of congressok trying onfá to subpoena documents frome1 çótru accounting firms and xdbanks. it isok about the xdextent of congressional power to investigate. on the one hand, congress can investigate anything that they might legislate on. they can conjure up anyt( reaso to get this informationçó on th otherxd hand, the president sai they went too far,ñi to embarra
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the president, or get that information out there for the sake of getting it out there. thatw3 exceeds congress's power. the second case is a totally different concept. it centers more on the president's role as the president. it brings back clinton v..jones. that involves a state grand jurá investigation, notok one of a> one weñi get to see the president'se1 tax returns. >> you don't, if they loses, if they golp to the house, it is n certain if they would be ñr ifg!aurp'd jury gets them in
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new york, grand jurors are secretive. the-9 information is not suppo to be revealed to the public. >> just because he may lose one or more of these cases doesn't mean we willqá, seefá his tax information displayed on the internet thelp next day. >> waiting with baited breath. could be facing a major housing crisis. what is done $ex keep millionsef americans from beingxe1%q from their house.fá not that house.
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reporter. good morning. could eviction be on the way for many of these places? >> that's right. so, with the massive job losses we've seen, the u.s. could be facing an eviction crisis. and the problem is that once people can't pay their rent or their mortgages, that impacts the housing market. banks lose money. it affects school districts, cities, municipalities, their revenues are impacted. the overall economy. the problem is that in march, the government passed the cares act, which provides an eviction moratorium. but that is set to expire soon and that only applied to a fraction of americans, those with housing that's federally subsidized or with a mortgage that is federally backed. but what about other americans? so what has happened with the coronavirus pandemic, other states have stepped up to fill the gap. 42 states and the district of columbia with eviction protection, but that has dwindled and now only a little
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more than a dozen states offer those protections right now. >> quickly, on the other end, say you're looking to buy property and you're hoping for the market to drop, it would seem as if you have to wait a few more months, right? >> yes, absolutely. you would hope -- that's the thing, right. one person might help another person the way things roll, but yes, when it comes to looking for housing, we are still seeing people looking to buy homes. but overall there is definitely a looming eviction crisis. and the hope is that the federal government will come with more support for americans. >> sibile, we saw more than 2% rise in the employment rate. could those numbers end up soaring again? >> that's right. so, we got a better than expected jobs report. what we're seeing is that for about three months, more than 1 million americans have been losing their jobs every single week. so we're still facing historic unemployment.
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we're still facing a severe challenge in this country. although states are reopening, the fact we're seeing another spike in coronavirus infections could mean that we're going to take a step backwards which, of course, would be devastating for the u.s. economy. >> folks at "the new york times" say that nearly 80% of the 4th of july fireworks shows were canceled across the country. what sort of impact does that actually have on businesses? >> right. so, the coronavirus pandemic couldn't have hit at a worse time for the fireworks industry because they make the bulk of their revenue in june and july. what we've seen is many municipalities have canceled their 4th of july fireworks display. some have kept it as you see there. in march we've seen major live sporting events canceled. the reason for celebratory fire works has fizzled. in 2019 display fireworks revenue wise brought in a billion dollars. they expect the industry overall
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to lose 70% this year. >> they haven't been in my neighborhood in manhattan. the fireworks -- it's been quite great. all right. >> yeah, me, too, i've heard them outside my window. but that's just like, you know, that's small potatoes, small potatoes fireworks. the big major displays where the bulk of the revenue comes from, they've taken a hit. >> a lot of people have given, macy's among them, a little heat for continuing with the fireworks displays while closing dozens and dozens of stores across the country. with a lot of employees needing work, is it a different budget plan? how are these stores and these advertisers working out? >> right. so when it comes to macy's, the problem with the major fireworks display, it's annual. it's a status symbol. it's really important for the image of the company. what we're seeing is they have prioritized the fireworks display over some jobs, but
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overall we're seeing the retail industry being severely impacted what we're seeing with the coronavirus pandemic and the economic effects. >> it's nice to have the image. but if you don't have the store, it's like having a block buster fireworks display next week. >> yeah, let's take the jobs back first. >> the fireworks displays from protests, the nightly protests did send fireworks sales up 15%. like he said, small potatoes. >> right, exactly. you're still hearing fireworks outside your window, there is aú potential for it to recover. >> always a pleasure. appreciate it. >> coming up e we're going to have more news on the coronavirus pandemic next, including record breaking numbers for florida and texas. >> and the new fears from houston's hospitals. and doctors who say they're back to square one in the fight against covid. you're watching msnbc. delayed-ra
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first up this sunday morning on msnbc, covid holiday, health care workers are fearing this weekend could be a super spreader. the number of cases exploding. >> and days of protests demonstrations in cities around the world. the next steps in the black lives matter movement. plus two candidates with two very different messages for america. which one is resonating more? >> we are now in the p